Al-Mouwatta "Malik ibn Anas"

By Charni

Al-Mouwatta Al-Mouwatta Al-Mouwatta Al-Mouwatta

The Al-Mouwatta Book

This is the first book that was composed to collect hadith classified by chapters. The meaning of Al-Mouwatta is "that which is made easy". This book by Imam Malik named Al-Mouwatta was also the first book composed in hadith and jurisprudence at the same time. That is, in the same book there were the hadith of the Prophet (salla l-Lahou ‘alayhi wa sallam) and jurisprudence. He remained composing it for forty years. It has many chains of transmission that hadith scholars, the muhaddith have judged to be the most authentic of the hadith.

Ach-Chafi'i said of the book Al-Mouwatta: “There is no t has not appeared on earth a book after the book of Allah - the Qur-an - which is more authentic than the book of Malik ".

In his time, it was said:" Is it that people emit opinions of jurisprudence while there is Malik in Medina! »

His birth and his biography

He is nicknamed Abou‘ Abdi l-Lah the father of ‘Abdou l-Lah. His name is Malik son of Anas son of Abu 'Amir Anas son of Al-Harith son of Ghayman Al-Asbahi Al-Madani.

His ancestry goes back to Ya'rab son of Yachjab son of Qahtan. His ancestor is called Malik son of Anas. He is one of the great successors of the companions and one of those who carried the body of 'Uthman Ibnu' Affan may Allah be pleased with him, from night to his grave just as was mentioned by Al-Qouchayri. / p>

The father of his grandfather is the companion 'Abu Malik who was at the side of the Prophet (salla l-Lahou' alayhi wa sallam) in the various battles halfway that of Badr.

As for Imam Malik's mother, her name is Al-'Aliyah daughter of Charik son of 'Abdou r-Rahman Al-Asdiyah.

The sons of the Imam Malik are Yahya, Muhammad and Hammad.

Imam Malik is the founder of one of the four schools of jurisprudence which has been preserved, renowned and disseminated in the countries of Muslims.

Imam Malik was born in Medina the Illuminated in the year ninety five of the Hegira. He grew up diligently learning science and reporting hadith. He took the science and brought it back from a great number of successors of the companions and successors of the successors of the companions who are numbered by the hundreds among which is mentioned Nafi the freed slave of the son of Umar. There is also Ibnou Chihab Az-Zouhri. There is Aba z-Zinad and there is' A-ichah the daughter of Sa'd Ibnou Abi Waqas, or even Yahya Ibnou Sa'id Al-Ansari.

He was, may Allah grant him mercy, Imam of Medina. Its science has spread to different countries. He was famous in many countries and people traveled to come to him from different regions.

He was teaching when he was seventeen. He had remained to give advice on jurisprudence, to teach people, as long as several of his Chaykh reported from him - that is to say, they gave him science and he had learned from others. and he had transmitted to them in their turn -.

Like Muhammad Ibnou Chihab Az-Zouhri, like Rabi'ah Ibnou Abi 'Abdi r-Rahman the specialist in the jurisprudence of the people of Medina, like Yahya Ibnou Sa' id Al-Ansari, as Mouça Ibnou 'Ouqbah and many others reported from him, as long as the Qadi' Iyad composed a book in which he had counted one thousand three hundred names of those who reported from Imam Malik, May Allah be pleased with him.

The best known of them were Soufyan Ath-Thawri and Imam Mujtahid Muhammad Ibnou Idris Ach-Chafi'i and 'Abdou l-Lah Ibnou l-Mubarak .

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